Dead island 2 modded save
Dead island 2 modded save

Skills are represented through a card system and you need to put some thought into your loadout. Each time you level up, certain base attributes like health and attack power increase, but the real draw is the numerous skills you unlock. These make a big difference in determining your play style, be that hit-and-run tactics or trying to tank your way through the hordes (generally not recommended). While I didn’t have time to check out all of the Slayers, it seems that the path through the game will be the same for all of them, though there’s plenty of unique dialogue for each Slayer that reflects their personalities.Ĭombat is still primarily a melee-based affair and most systems feel designed around it, so what you really want to pay attention to are their skills and attributes. Naturally, getting there involves helping anyone you can along the way, so it’s going to be another long day in paradise…ĭead Island 2 lets you choose from one of six zombie-slaying protagonists, each with their own backstory, attributes, and skills.

dead island 2 modded save

When the plane crashes, you’re left to dust yourself off, grab whatever weapons you can, and make haste to the closest safe house – a safe house that just happens to be the abode of horror star “Emma Jaunt”. before an infected survivor makes short work of that plan. As one of the protagonists, you’re on one of the last flights out of L.A. The dead roam the streets, eating whoever they can get their hands on, while the military has evacuated whatever survivors they could. The game starts off with yet another outbreak that has rendered Los Angeles inhospitable to the living. The question is has the wait been worth it, or does the game require some extra re-animation time?ĭead Island 2, despite retaining the name, does away with the island setting and transplants its action to another larger, sunny location – California. With multiple delays and three studios brought in to develop the game, it looked as though Dead Island 2 was going to be stuck in development hell and become a zombie itself.īut now, Dead Island 2 has breached the waves and waded ashore.

dead island 2 modded save

Dead Island 2’s road to a gaming platform of your choice has been filled with unexpected detours, just as our hero’s journeys from the first Dead Island games were to salvation.

Dead island 2 modded save