Avast blocking sites after xp3 added
Avast blocking sites after xp3 added

Disable Avast notifications when you are playing games or giving presentations.

avast blocking sites after xp3 added

Learn how to disable messages, popups, and alerts in Avast. What does that do? I need something that looks under the hood.No one wants to be distrubed by a software notification when they're playing a game or giving a presentation. You used a tool that Trolly developed earlier in this thread. Would you consider asking anyone else among the techies to look this over?

  • Alan and dickvl have already worked with me.
  • Windows system problem-a conflicting dll or other file.(Try finding that!!).
  • Page can sometimes be accessed later, occasionally not ever.
  • 'Transferring data from." in status bar, but never completes.
  • "Looking for." in status bar instead of "Waiting for.".
  • Running ZoneAlarm free, firewall only, getting no alerts on problem pages.
  • Running resident Ad-Aware Free latest version.
  • Running Avast 4 Anti-Virus Free, not a suite.
  • Keeping a log of this stuff for anyone who might jump in. Googled this and found it at other places, but unresolved. If not at core, does that mean it can't submitted as a bug? Does a bug have to be in everyone's copy? Or can it be "FF doesn't play well with XXXprogram or XXXfile in your Windows folder"? Submitting it as a bug doesn't mean it will be solved soon. Originally posted my problem here: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1490815&hilit=stopped Besides, I can usually access the problem site later.

    avast blocking sites after xp3 added avast blocking sites after xp3 added

    Had ZA for years, always tells me when blocking.

    Avast blocking sites after xp3 added